Sunday, February 12, 2012

AED200 Reflective Journal- Photography

In class we had to make a slideshow of pictures representing 7 elements of art and 7 principles of art. To some this may seem like such an easy task, but for me I was definitely stumped on some of the pictures I should take. Variety, movement, shape. and emphasis gave me the hardest time. See, a lot of confusion when I am sure other people can think of a million ideas when they hear these terms.
When I took the movement picture I wasn't sure if the subject should literally be moving, or if it was for the viewers eyes to follow through the picture. Well, in mine I believe it does both. Not only are all my friends dancing, but my one friend's tie makes my eyes follow to the end. Also, I start at one side of the picture and work my way to the left to look at everyone.
For variety, I thought I would have a little fun and make my picture out of the ordinary with my dog on the couch, with a pillow, and added in one of my niece's toys to make it seem like he was cuddling with the doll during a nap (but of course when I did this he woke up when I was taking the picture).
Emphasis really gave me a hard time because in my mind I was thinking of a close up and having the background kind of blurred out and not as focused. In my bedroom I realized my yellow decorative pillow on my bed really stands out so I made my bed and went to the end of the room to take the picture.
For shape there was "shape" and "shape/form". The form was a lot easier because that was literally looking at shape. The "shape" was a little harder because it was supposed to be 2-D so honestly I am still not sure if my bamboo plant was the right choice.
The other elements and principles were easier. For balance I took on the asymmetrical look with the candle holder. Proportion I held my nieces hand with my finger to show just how tiny his little fingers were! Color I didn't choose something bright because I wanted to show that in white there were different colors.
Here is the link to my slideshow:


  1. I loved your slide show, I feel like in my slide show I chose things that were simple and safe. While watching yours however, I felt like in some images you thought outside the box and I was very pleased with your selection in photos. I also liked that many of your photos portrayed other elements besides the one that you initially chose for the image.

  2. Alyssa,
    I love that so many of your pictures shared a theme. I particularly like your picture for unity, and the picture you used for space was really creative since it took on somewhat of a literal term. I like how you also described your thought process through the pictures, many of mine I took somewhat randomly with the hopes that they would fit into my element properly. I agree with the elements you chose and many of your pictures could fit into multiple elements which makes for really interesting pictures! :)

